
Monday 30 July 2018

July 2018 Faves

My gawd, this heatwave has kicked my ass this month. I haven't been this hot since Florida - and at least they had air conditioning! I've had the past week off work, and it really wasn't enough time to switch off. I've had to do so many errands, Dr appointments, fix car issues... I don't feel like I had a day to relax at all - I need a second one to be fully sorted. Sadly got to wait until September now!

Anyway, hope you're all well, and here are my monthly faves!

This has to be my fave song from the newly released Mamma Mia 2 movie. I love the song, the lyrics, and the whole scene that this song featured in.

TV Show
I am finally catching up on my TV shows and this one has been on my 'to watch' list since it started back in March. As it was back on, I thought I'd re-watch it all - IT WAS AMAZING. Station 19 is a spin-off from the Grey's Anatomy franchise, and takes former Dr Ben Warren to the station as the rookie. It's only 10 episodes, but I already cannot wait for the second season in October!

I have seen three films in the last month. Jurassic World 2, Incredibles 2, and Mamma Mia 2. Yep, all sequels! It was really hard to pick a fave, as I loved them all so much. But I've had to go with Mamma Mia 2. I both laughed, cried, and bawled my eyes out at the cinema watching this. It was a beautiful film, and the last scene had me crying like a baby. But, the songs were amazing, and I adored the younger versions of the cast.

Fave picture of the month is this one of mt Grandad. I hadn't seen him since the start of the year, so now it was warmer, he was able to come and see us one Sunday. It was so nice to see him, and we all had a good laugh about some memories of days past. Was so happy I got to see him!

How has your Julybeen, and what are your faves from the categories above? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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Friday 27 July 2018

How to Make Your Website as Geeky as Possible*

If you would like your blog to represent who you are and what you are about, it is important that you learn how to personalize the design to communicate and engage with your audience better. If you are a geek like me, you might have been spotted by fans on the street or like-minded people. Being able to add a personal touch to your site is not hard, if you have the right technical skills. Below you will find a few tips on getting started with personalizing your blog.  

Image via Raj Eiamworakul
  1. Nonconformity

As a geek, you will not be interested in what the majority of people are talking about. To find your niche and connect with them, you will have to dare to stand out from the crowd. Forget about the typical and the usual; be yourself so you can connect with people who are weird the same way as you. Find out what makes your audience tick; no makeup, dressing up, or simply spontaneous images.
  1. Special Cool Features

Even if you are not a programmer, you can learn the basics of website design and implement some cool features to wow your readers. There are online resources allowing you to learn the basics of HTML Heredity and Other Relations, understand how to add GIF, sliders, and cool animation that will keep your readers engaged and interested in what you have to say.
  1. Geeky Images

Image via Ali Yahya

Instead of the usual portrait picture on your blog, you should set up a geeky profile with interesting things about you. Whether you are setting a challenge for your readers, engage with them through trivias and quizzes, using funky images, or post funny videos of your favorite cartoon characters or books, you will be the winner and someone who stands out from the crowd.
  1. Forum Recommendations

As a part of your geekiness, you can also create a community of people. Even if you don’t set up a forum or discussion on your blog, you will have to follow up and answer every comment to stay in touch with your niche. You might also want to provide a list of recommended sites, blogs, forums, books, videos, and resources, so your readers know that you really know everything about the topic they are interested in.
  1. Branding

If you let your geeky personality shine through your posts and writing, you will have an easier job of getting followers and strengthening your personal brand. Today the best way of differentiating your site on the market is by creating a strong brand and implementing multi channel marketing. Be present on every platform and send out strong, consistent messages to your audience. Create posts that capture your values and beliefs, so you can build an emotional connection with your followers.

If you are a geek, you will have to make sure that this shows on your site. You don’t have to be a computer expert to add some futuristic or sci-fi features to your site and let your personality shine through. Make sure you don’t try to please everyone, only your selected niche.

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Wednesday 25 July 2018

Picture Perfect | July

Who else is practically melted from this heatwave? I am slowly dying, and my one pair of good shorts are starting to get a bit knackered. #ThiccThighs

I've mainly been working all month, but I'm currently in the middle a week's break from the daily grind - so have barely left my new companion. My desk fan.

Hope you're all doing okay!

Had many, many subways again!

Watched some of the World Cup at work

Been to see Jurassic World 2, and The Incredibles 2!

First McDonald's since Easter

Have spent a lot more time outside in the garden, during this SUPER heatwave!

Saw my Grandad for the first time in months

Had my car fixed!

It's not been a super eventful month, but this heatwave!!! Damn, I am melting like mad. What have you been up to this month? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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Monday 23 July 2018

July Wishlist

Phew, this month is going quickly again isn't it?! We have been having a suuuper lovely heatwave here, and though I am melting, it's a nice change from all that rain.

Though, it was so nice when it rained the other day, just for an hour or so.

While it's been too hot to depart from my desk fan, I've been browsing online and found some lovely goodies for this month's wishlist!

What's on your wishlist for July, and have you picked up any bargains recently? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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Friday 20 July 2018

Orlando Holiday Diary: Day 17 - Last Day & Going Home!

Today was a sad day. We were flying home in the afternoon, and we all so badly wanted to stay here for a few more weeks!

As we had to be out of the villa by 10am, we took our time packing and making sure everything was in our bags, and not left around the house. We put all the dishes back on the table, threw out or pool toys, and set all the alarms. We left just after 9:30am, and headed straight to the Ponderosa on the 192 to get some breakfast.

After we had breakfast, we popped into Bargain World, which was next door, to get any last souvenirs we wanted. From here, we decided to go the Disney mini golf, near Disney Springs, to spend an hour or so.

It took us a minute to locate Fantasia Gardens, but when we got there, it wasn't busy at all! Yay!

We picked the summer side of the course, and within the first 30 seconds, dad had lost a ball, got a new one and then lost that one too. As you can see in the above, they were both looking for it, but it was lost to the shrubbery.

The mini golf was really fun, and dad won as usual, but it was a nice relaxing way to spend just over an hour.

From here, we went to Disney Springs, just to check out the World of Disney shop for last minute Disney goodies. We got a drink from the Earl of Sandwhich, and then browsed the stores. I picked up a Marvel backpack from the Marvel store for $65, and had to really squeeze it into my carry on when we got back to the car.

At about 2pm, we then took the hire car back to the company within the airport. We were really early for the flight at 5:25pm, but we wanted to be there early to get through all of the security and to the terminal our plane would be at.

Me and my sister got changed into clothes better suited for English weather, so we wouldn't be cold as soon as we landed. Our flight was actually early, and we even took off 10 minutes before our slot, as it was only a half-filled flight.

The flight back was okay, but the person who sat in front of me, kept reclining their chair back so far, it was right against my face a number of times, and they never turned their light out when we were trying to sleep, which was beyond annoying. So when the person fell asleep, I turned it off myself!

We landed 30 minutes early, and then hopped in our taxi to get back home.

I have had so much fun re-living this amazing holiday via these blog posts. We're already deciding when to go again - possibly next year, so fingers crossed! Hope you have enjoyed these posts, and has been somewhat helpful to anyone who is hoping to go to Orlando soon.

What park is your fave, and would you ever like to go to Orlando? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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Wednesday 18 July 2018

Things To Do In This Heatwave

Please tell me I'm not the only one dying in this heat? It's become slightly unbearable indoors, even with my desk fan going all day. My only salvation is, ironically, is being at work in the deli chiller! So cold, it's darn beautiful.

As a Brit, this weather is something we have only ever dreamed about. I like to think it's somehow correlated to the England football squad getting so far in the World Cup. We're so used to a 2 days heatwave, once a year, and then it's rain and cold for the other 363 days!

Here are some things to do in the heatwave to keep you busy, or to keep you cool.

Play with bubbles
Not only does this get you some fresh air and some sunshine, you can have a bit of fun! I use bubbles in the garden to chill out, after a stressful day at work, or my anxiety has been super bad. I don't know why, but it really helps. Plus, if you have children, they're not too expensive - we have a pack of 4 118ml bottles for £1 in Primark to use.

Go to the park
Have an hour to go to the park, visit the kids playground with the kids in your family, or find somewhere shady to have a picnic with your friends. You can work up a tan and have some relaxing time!

Visit your local leisure centre for some air con, and a cool dip in their various pools. If you're wanting to save money, or prefer to do it at home, buy a paddling pool, or a larger family one - and enjoy the cold water and sunshine in your garden instead.

My main relaxation technique is to put a show on Netflix to binge, have my fan blasting me and having ice water on hand through the day. Read a book, write, blog, craft, etc from the comfort of a cool room in your house, and get those fans blasting.

Food shop & have a BBQ
A perk of food shopping is the air con to keep the food fresher for longer. I have been so happy to be in the supermarket at work, or doing the food shop. It's sooo nice and cool in there. Pick up some goodies for a BBQ while taking full advantage of the air con, and then head back home for a nice BBQ!

The most important thing is to keep hydrated through the day with water, and if you're going to be outside for a while, please keep yourself safe and use suntan lotion to stop you getting burnt.

What have you done during this heatwave, and what on the list would you do? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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Monday 16 July 2018

A-Z Of Me - Updated!

Two years ago, I done a little post called the A-Z of Tania Michele, and it's a post I really enjoyed doing. A lot has changed in that time, so I thought I would do an updated post, and see what new things I can add to this list!

A - America - We really want to go back, and travel more of the country
B - Brooklyn 99 - Currently addicted to this show!
C - Chicago Shows - Fire/PD/Med: I love the #OneChicago franchise dearly
D - Disney - Since our Florida holiday last year, I've got even more into this
E - Earrings - My sister has made me so many cute ones this year, so I've loved switching it up
F - Florida Georgia Line - Music I am currently obsessed with
G - Gum - Addiction to chewing gum is bad, but I love this
H - Hemipligic Migraines - A horrid form of migraine, that causes paralysis now and then
- Infinity War - MY EMOTIONS
- Jodie - One of my friends who've I've re-connected with this year
K - Kennedy Space Center: We had a fab day here, and it's one of our fave destinations as a family
L - Lenovo Tablet - I've wanted an iPad for years, but they're so expensive, so got myself a Lenovo instead
M - Marvel - My fave superhero brand
N - Nicola - My best friend of 10 years!
O - Orlando - This is a repeat of last time, but it's Orlando guys!
P - Purple - My fave colour
Q - Queer Eye - Just started to watch this, and enjoying it so far
R - RuPaul's Drag Race - Obsessed doesn't even begin to describe this show's impact on my life
S - Stickers - Now I'm into journalling, I've become OBSESSED with buying stickers off Etsy
T - Tania Michele - This here blog o'mine, which I've had for almost 5 years now!
U - Universal Studios - So many great rides, and we want to go back!
V - Victoria - New show I've tried out and really got into it!
W - Wicca - My belief system
X - X-Ray - I've had to have a few of these for my head over the last 2 years, due to the Hemiplegic Migraines
Y - Yours Clothing - One of my top fave places to shop 
Z - Zendaya - An icon I can only ever aspire to be like! Loved her in Spider-Man, and the Greatest Showman

I actually had something for each letter this time - yay! What would be on your A-Z list of yourself? Let me know, and if you do this post, link it to me as I'd love to read it! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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Friday 13 July 2018

2018 Goals Check In

It's been six whole months of 2018 - honestly, where has it gone? I've had a rocky one thus far, but hoping the last six months are going to be better! As it's the middle of the year, I thought it was due time, to check over my goals for the year, and see how I've got on. The original post was the first post of the year, so it's overdue.

I can already say that I know I've done crap, but pushing forwards...

Personal Goals
  1. Finish writing my book!
    • Haven't even picked it up to carry it on
  2. Lose 2 stone in weight
    • Lost 8lbs
  3. Keep doing the 52 Week Savings Challenge
    • Gave up with this about 6 weeks in. Lost motivation!
  4. See 6 films at the cinema
    • 4/6 - Not bad so far! I've seen The Greatest Showman, Black Panther, Deadpool 2, and Avengers: Infinity War
  5. Visit somewhere new
    • If a friend's new house counts, then yes!
  6. Read two books
    • Nope...
  7. Do something off my 30 before 30 List
    • Not great at all so far, BUT, #20 is a marvel marathon, which I am currently a few films into
  8. Start filming, and taking pictures more often
    • Really sucked here. I've had some really bad mental health months, so filming and picture taking has basically halted
  9. Stop complaining so much
    • Maybe 10% better here...
  10. Do two more fizzy drink bans for 30 days
    • I did a 32 day streak in April, so just one more to go!
Blog Goals
  1. 1200 Bloglovin followers - ❌ 1102 right now
  2. 6500 Twitter followers - ❌ I had a huge clear out of who I was following, and that lost me 700 followers over 4 months. Down at 5388. 
  3. 1100 Instagram followers - ❌ This is so laughable. I'm at 816, and counting down. I've lost about 300 followers since December.
  4. 550 YouTube subscribers - ❌ 486. This has risen a little since January, but not a lot.
  5. 400 Facebook page likes -❌ 335 at the moment!
  6. 350,000 total blog page views - ❌ I'm just under 3000 views off from this!
  7. Post 3 times each week - I did this January through March, and then took a break. 
  8. Allow myself 2 weeks off from blogging - twice this year - ✅ I had about 2 months a week away from blogging for my sanity and MH. Might do it again, so counting this as a win!
  9. Take part in more Twitter blog chats - ❌ Haven't even tried...
  10. Work with more brands this year - ✅ I've worked with three new brands so far this year, so very happy with that,

I have done so badly wit this! How have you been doing with your goals for 2018? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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