Hello everyone!
Fourth month of the new year to look back at! Here is just a little recap of my April! :) Hope you like this little overview!
- Sister is home from Uni, so had lots of fun!
- Dinner out with Nicola at the start of the month
- Closed Easter Sunday at work, so spent the day lounging around at home
- Spent Easter Monday with my mum and her partner's family and my sister! Had a really nice day and enjoyed seeing my nephew
- Had to see the Dr about my shoulder problem. Looks like I need physio for it :(
- I got to see the first Star Trek film (2009)
- Went into town with Nicola and her daughter Andi, and played hide and seek with her in Matalan!
- Had a haircut even though I didn't really need one, and he took off 2 inches *sniff*
- Sister went back to University :(
- Giveaway ended!
- Had another dinner out with Nic at the end of the month
- Been hooked on the Office USA all month
- Had a few interesting shifts at work
- Was ill for a whole week
- Got to see the new Avengers movie and it was awesome!!
- TV I've watched: Arrow, Chicago Fire, Parks & Rec, The Office USA, Game of Thrones
- Films I've watched: Avengers: Age of Ultron, Star Trek, Pirates of the Caribbean (1,2), The Pacifier, Fast & Furious (1,2,3,4), Star Wars (1,2), Last Vegas
- What I've been reading: A Feast For Crows
With Nicola | Easter Egg! | Alone in the staff canteen |
OPI polish | Shoe sort out again | Checking over my baby |
Sister | Dad | Nicola |
New chocolate! | Alone at work again | Plaid shirt obsession!! |
Want to watch what I've been up to this month? Check out the vlog!
Well that is it for my month overall, and the fourth month of 2015! A good year so far! I hope you enjoyed this catch-up post from April! Have a great day and keep safe :)
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