
Monday, 9 January 2017

Festive Family Specials

Over the festive period of Christmas and New Year's Day, I was super busy with work leading up to it all, but was worth it as it kept me busy until the big day arrived!

I spent Christmas with my family at my Aunt and Uncle's house, and then they came to us for New Year's Day. It's also the first Christmas where my sister went to my Mum's for the day too, and we also had her boyfriend come spend the week with us for his first Christmas!

It was such a lovely few days with all the family, who I sadly don't get to see that often, and as usual I filmed as much of the time we had together!

So below, you can find the Christmas/Boxing Day Special, along with the New Year's Special! I mainly upload these for my cousins to watch, but I always enjoy sharing these with you all too!

And yep, I was too tired after to work to do a 'proper' blog post, so this is what's going up on the blog instead, for you today!


Hope you enjoyed the videos and seeing what we all get up to for the day! What do you and your family/friends get up to on the special days like this? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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  1. It's so cool that you vlogged them! I wish I still vlogged but just don't have time at the moment!

    Corinne x

    1. I love vlogging them as I like to look back on what we all get up to - even if it's the same thing each year! xx


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