Two years ago, I done a little post called the A-Z of Tania Michele, and it's a post I really enjoyed doing. A lot has changed in that time, so I thought I would do an updated post, and see what new things I can add to this list!
A - America - We really want to go back, and travel more of the country
B - Brooklyn 99 - Currently addicted to this show!
C - Chicago Shows - Fire/PD/Med: I love the #OneChicago franchise dearly
D - Disney - Since our Florida holiday last year, I've got even more into this
E - Earrings - My sister has made me so many cute ones this year, so I've loved switching it up
F - Florida Georgia Line - Music I am currently obsessed with
G - Gum - Addiction to chewing gum is bad, but I love this
H - Hemipligic Migraines - A horrid form of migraine, that causes paralysis now and then
I - Infinity War - MY EMOTIONS
J - Jodie - One of my friends who've I've re-connected with this year
K - Kennedy Space Center: We had a fab day here, and it's one of our fave destinations as a family
L - Lenovo Tablet - I've wanted an iPad for years, but they're so expensive, so got myself a Lenovo instead
M - Marvel - My fave superhero brand
N - Nicola - My best friend of 10 years!
O - Orlando - This is a repeat of last time, but it's Orlando guys!
P - Purple - My fave colour
Q - Queer Eye - Just started to watch this, and enjoying it so far
R - RuPaul's Drag Race - Obsessed doesn't even begin to describe this show's impact on my life
S - Stickers - Now I'm into journalling, I've become OBSESSED with buying stickers off Etsy
T - Tania Michele - This here blog o'mine, which I've had for almost 5 years now!
U - Universal Studios - So many great rides, and we want to go back!
V - Victoria - New show I've tried out and really got into it!
W - Wicca - My belief system
X - X-Ray - I've had to have a few of these for my head over the last 2 years, due to the Hemiplegic Migraines
Y - Yours Clothing - One of my top fave places to shop
Z - Zendaya - An icon I can only ever aspire to be like! Loved her in Spider-Man, and the Greatest Showman
I actually had something for each letter this time - yay! What would be on your A-Z list of yourself? Let me know, and if you do this post, link it to me as I'd love to read it! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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