Oh man. That heatwave went on for about 1000 years, and now it's become the Ice Age with downpours. Good ole England! It's payday today, so I'm getting some essentials before my late shift, and then tomorrow I am treating myself to a Subway and some shopping - on the count it doesn't decided to rain down a monsoon on me.
Anyway, hope you're all well, and here are my monthly faves!
I really don't know how I didn't hear Troye's song sooner, but this is a bloody brilliant song, which I blare, en route to works on the early shifts! This video is amazing too and made me buy Troye's new album Bloom.
TV Show
I am finally catching up on my TV show 'to watch' list, and I finally got around to watching Marlon. Season 2 came to Netflix on August 22nd and I binged it over the weekend! it made me laugh out loud, and I'm going to be re-watching it soon.
I haven't seen many films this month, but I'm mid-way through my Marvel marathon - it's taking a while though! Just got to Ant-Man, so I can re-watch that before I go and see Ant-Man and The Wasp... as I've still not seen the new one! Paul Rudd makes me laugh so much, so it was nice to see him do some of this seriously!
Fave picture of the month is this one of me! Yes, I know - so vain, haha! I've not worn anything but shorts for MONTHS due to the heatwave, so this was the first time I was covered up in ages! This was for a little town trip with the family, so was feeling pretty happy with myself.
How has your August been, and what are your faves from the categories above? Let me know! Hope you have a great day and keep safe :)

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