Image credit Pixabay
Being an adult is tough, and not anywhere near as appealing as it looked when you were a kid. With jobs to do, bills to pay, groceries to buy, it can feel like you are on an unstoppable treadmill, running as fast as you can but not getting anywhere. Every once and while it is useful to stop, chill out and give yourself a break from the monotony of adulting. What better way to relax than releasing your inner geek and enjoying some time spent doing the things you did as a kid? Relive those carefree days of keeping yourself amused, without having to think about doing the laundry or checking your online banking. This is a time to simply be and to experience that feeling of flow that comes from being completely engaged in doing something, and feeling calm and quietly focused.
Think back to what you loved to do as a kid, and see if you can bring a little of that fun and enthusiasm into your adult life. Here are some childhood hobbies that are perfect for relieving stress.
Felt Tips at the Ready!
Aaaah colouring, quite possibly one of the most satisfying ways to pass the time when you are a kid. Of course, nowadays it’s all about mindful colouring and adult colouring books, but go out and choose any colouring book that you like the look of and makes you feel happy.
Up the enjoyment levels by making like it’s the start of a new school year and treat yourself to a pencil case and some new colouring pens or pencils. After all, who doesn’t love stationary and that new school term feeling?
Get Ready to Game
Looking for a hobby that you can completely engage with and concentrate on? If so, why not get back into gaming? Pass a pleasant hour trying to beat your high score, and you will instantly feel like you are 12 years old again.
If you’re not sure what’s hot and what’s not right now and need some recommendations, then check out some game reviews to get yourself up to date.
Ready, Steady, Read
Curling up with a good book is always a good idea, but to bring a fresh take on it, why not try reading something totally different? Teen fiction or, to use the correct term, young adult fiction has changed a lot in recent years, and there are some pretty awesome books out in this genre right now. You will find that you are spoilt for choice when it comes to selecting one to buy and read.
Modern young adult fiction covers a much more extensive range of subjects and diverse issues than you probably remember from when you were a kid, so it is well worth checking out.
Get on Your Bike
As H.G.Wells famously once said, “every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.”
If you haven’t ridden a bike for over a decade, why not give it a go and get back in the saddle? Remember what it felt like to feel the rush of air blowing into your face, and the butterflies in your tummy as you cycle downhill, feeling completely exhilarated by the whole experience. PS cycle helmets are essential, streamers on your handlebars are entirely optional.
Telly Addict
Do you remember a world when there was no Netflix? A world where you couldn’t pause a TV programme? Scary, right! Think back to those afternoons of slobbing out on the sofa watching cartoons, and zoning out into a chilled-out space in your mind. Bring some of this laziness back into your adult life, but instead of binging on a boxset, go retro, and revisit the cartoons of your childhood. There are loads of reasons why watching your way through a cartoon marathon is much more satisfying as an adult; firstly, you can put your feet up on the sofa, and there is no one to tell you off. Secondly, no matter how nice and sunny it is outside, you won’t be nagged to get out in the garden and make the most of it instead of being sat inside getting square eyes from watching too much telly.
Yes, TV watching isn’t strictly a hobby, and yes it’s not a great thing to do all the time, but now and then it is a great way to forget about your troubles for a little while and enjoy some harmless escapism.

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