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Every business needs to take certain measures to protect its finances. Without protection, you could make some massive financial errors and end up in debt or severely out of pocket. If you want some help protecting your finances, here are the best tips.
Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay
Get insurance
To be safe and sensible as a business, you will want to get insurance. Without insurance, you won’t be protected in case of theft, fire, or more.
For instance, if you are a van courier and your van gets broken into, then you won’t be able to get help or compensation without insurance. Using this website you can find the best insurance to cover you and your van business. Attaining insurance will ensure that you can avoid debt and protect your finances as a business.
Enhance data security
Alongside protecting your physical assets through insurance, you will want to think about protecting your digital assets. Your digital assets are one of the most important things for your business to protect to maintain the security of your finances. Should your data be compromised, your business is in a lot of financial trouble.
To enhance your businesses data security, follow these steps:
Use two-factor authentication. Creating two doors to get through to access your accounts will make it difficult for hackers to intrude into your digital data. Two-factor authentication will mean that you use two devices to unlock your accounts. For instance, you will require your laptop as well as your phone for a code.
Use the cloud. Using cloud services will help you safely store your data. On your cloud accounts, make sure to use two-factor authentication. On the cloud, you can store your data for your business team to access and nobody else. It will ensure that all data can be stored safely in one place.
Protect your WiFi. Hackers can interfere with your business’s data through WiFi. Therefore, ensure that there is a barrier to protecting your data. A WiFi password is essential so that only people with the code can use it.
Have great relationships with suppliers
A great relationship with suppliers will not benefit your benefit transactions, but ensure that you can maintain the cost of your expenses.
Having a great relationship with suppliers will likely result in attaining discounts, which will maximize your finances. Maintaining these relationships will ensure that you maintain the cost of your expenses, which will maximize your profits.
Store your cash reserve away safely
When you break even and find it easy to save money as a business, you will want to protect that extra cash wisely. If you hinder its safety, then you might be in trouble should you need it.
Storing your cash reserve away from your day-to-day finances will ensure that you have something to fall back on, should something happen to your business and its finances. Having a reserve will ensure that you can get back on your feet if you incur issues with your business, need to spend money unexpectedly, or need to cover yourself due to an insurance claim.
Achieving your dream hair is easier than you might think. If you lack good care for your hair, then you will quickly notice that your hair deteriorates. However, the right care will see your hair grow longer, quicker, and healthier. Here is everything you need to know for achieving your dream hair.
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
Use extensions
If your dream hair goal is to have long hair but your hair doesn’t seem to grow, then the best solution is to use extensions. Although these won’t offer a permanent answer, it means you can wear your hair long or natural whenever you feel like it.
Using tape hair extensions, you can easily achieve your desired look in minutes. You can have long hair in no time and use these as a way to be patient with your hair growth.
Take more time styling it
Being lazy with your hair will likely lead to you not being totally happy with your hair. Whether you want to wear your hair wavy or have straight hair, it will help if you take your time to style it.
Taking your time with your hair will help you get the right style and ensure that you take good care of it. Using your time using tools or brushing will help you achieve your desired look.
Patience is key and in time the more practice you have with styling your hair, the happier you will be with the results.
Get regular trims
Although it might seem like you are doing the wrong thing, trimming your hair is actually doing the right thing when it comes to achieving your dream hair. Without regular trims, your hair will likely become dry and brittle.
Regular trims wil freshen up your hair and make it feel nice and lightweight again. It will also be much easier to style and feel confident in too.
Have a good hair care routine
Being lazy with your hair care will leave you with hair that isn’t your dream hair. With the right products, you can bring your hair back to life and start to love your hair again. Plus, the right products will maintain its health and help it grow.
In your routine, you should always shampoo. Shampooing twice can leave you with that salon feel. Then, use conditioner every other wash to add moisture and shine.
Then, once a week, use a mask to give your hair a surge of moisture and hydration. This will help to nourish the roots and help them achieve optimal health.
Avoid too much heat
Although you might enjoy styling your hair, using too much heat can damage it in the long term. If you can, avoid using too much heat. Using it once a week or twice once you have washed your hair is enough and if you take your time to style it, hopefully, the results will last.
When you do use heat, ensure to use a heat protection spray to prevent it from becoming too damaged.
Gamification is a trendy topic within the business world and an effective way to increase productivity and morale. Businesses of all kinds can benefit from implementing a successful gamification strategy. This is a guide to understanding what gamification is and why your business should be using it in some form.
To put it simply, it's the application of game elements to an activity that isn't traditionally a game. For example, giving points for completing tasks or setting up quests earns you items or other benefits within the app when completing them. These rewards don't necessarily need to be digital - they can take any material form that makes sense for your business goals.
The first significant benefit is that it makes work more fun. Even people who say they wouldn't enjoy games think that gamified work sounds good because it breaks up the monotony of doing things over and over again, day after day. It also helps reduce workplace boredom by allowing employees to show off their skills in a competitive way. All these elements make employees feel like they have a bit more control over their job, even if it's only the illusion of control.
Another significant side effect of gamifying a workplace is increased engagement. If people are having fun while working, chances are they'll be happier and more motivated to keep doing whatever it is they're doing. This increased engagement also comes with an increase in creativity and, thus, productivity. Employees feel like their ideas are valued because they know others are likely to adopt them if implemented.
There's no arguing that gamification makes work fun by allowing employees to show off their skills in a competitive way. It also boosts morale through rewards that can be given out for milestones or when an employee does something exceptional. The element of surprise goes a long way in keeping things exciting - you don't want people getting used to seeing the same old reward every time they do something good.
Another great thing about gamified workplaces is improvements in communication and teamwork. From friendly competition between teams to quests where people work together to complete them, there are plenty of opportunities for employees in different areas of your organization to come together. This teamwork makes the workplace more collaborative, helping staff work together in a way that benefits everyone.
Last but not least is how well gamification works with other HR tools and techniques. You can also use other methods such as employee surveys and performance reviews wherever you're using gamified elements. These tools will help get at what you want to know: How happy are your employees? What could be changed or improved? Where do they see room for advancement within the company? Where do they see room for improvement?
It's obvious why businesses should try using gamification. The benefits it offers are invaluable and easily implemented throughout your organization. And the best part is that you don't need to invest big money into an expensive system because there are plenty of great apps for mobile devices available at no cost and at reasonable prices.
The next step is to decide what kind of game elements would work best for your business. Maybe points or levels will be enough, but if you want to take advantage of quests, teams, or other game-like features, then look into the appropriate app first. Most gamified apps offer a free trial before requiring you to commit to buying their product, so this research phase should be pretty risk-free. Just pick something that works well with your type of business and follow the steps to implement it.
There are many companies out there who have adopted this strategy with great success. Newest casinos survey confirms this. A few others that come to mind are Starbucks, BetterWorks, Epson America Inc., and Gatorade's G Works program.
A common theme behind all these examples is improved engagement levels through its employees or customers.
The app, My Starbucks Barista, is an excellent example of this. The coffee shop giant has successfully increased engagement among its employees and customers through gamification. When their app was introduced in 2015, it had around 500,000 downloads within the first six months. On top of that, over one million people have been registered as beta testers for future updates.
This HR software company has around 400,000 active users daily. They have over 1,100 companies using their system to track employees' progress, including Target and Adobe.
They have used gamification to increase engagement and performance among their large workforce. This printer company has over 20,000 employees across the globe that utilize gamified features such as badges for completing tasks, levels of user power-ups, etc.
IBM created it in partnership with Tennis Canada and Fast Company. According to the makers of this gamification logic, it is a way for people to "play through some real-world challenges found on the tennis court while earning points towards exclusive prizes".
The benefits associated with applying gamification are immense for businesses of all sizes.
Engagement: Companies like Starbucks and Betterworks show how effective it is at engaging and motivating its users, employees or customers. And if you think about it, why would an organization want their employees/customers to use an app that doesn't engage them?
Differentiation: When an organization can use relevant and up-to-date strategies other organizations will be unable to, it sets itself apart from its competitors.
Productivity: Focusing on employees or customers in a whole new way can add more productive workforces/customers.
By implementing these strategies within their companies' operations, many organizations have noticed an improvement in employee and customer satisfaction.
There's no question that gamification is here to stay, and we should expect more companies to adopt these practices to remain successful. As powerful as this strategy is, it isn't helpful for every type of business and industry. It also doesn't just happen overnight; an implementation may take many months or years, depending on the size and nature of your workforce/target market. But once you get there - reward yourself! You deserve it; just don't play a game of Solitaire on your computer now that you're done reading this.